Lectures will be held in person in room 155. Lecture lengths are either 60 or 90 minutes, 1-2 times per week, as per the calendar. The driving will be provided by the parents. Maximum 90 mins per day. There will be a special log/journal that must be submitted to receive credit for the driving hours. Info in the Google Classroom.
There will be online registration and payment made through My School Bucks.
PLEASE read ALL of the registration information in the sidebar. Registration costs $100.
Please join the Spring 2023 Driver's Ed Parent/Student Square group for additional information. Registration instructions and form are in the sidebar.
Registration and payment should be made in My School Bucks.. You must look for Driver's Education in the SHS store. DO NOT just add money to the lunch account!! If you don't see the yellow Driver's Ed sign, registration for your grade level is not yet available, or all the spots are filled. (An announcement will be made when it is full)
Lectures are IN PERSON in room 155 and driving is to be done BY THE PARENTS. As per COVID protocols and NYSED guidelines, students cannot be alone (socially distanced) in a car with an adult for a school-based activity. You MAY provide your child with private driving lessons at your own cost.
Please check the calendar and make sure you are able to attend ALL of the days. You are NOT guaranteed your first choice of day. Do not choose the same day more than once, or you will be moved to the end of the line and given a day at the Director's discretion. Preliminary class lists will be uploaded by January 20th.
A mandatory parent meeting will be held virtually on Sat January 28nd at 10am. The Driving Journal will be explained.
A hard copy of the registration form with with the original signatures and copy of MySchoolBucks receipt must be submitted to Ms. Wilbert in room 155 by January 27th. Additional information must be uploaded to the Google Classroom.
The Google Classroom code will be distributed AFTER registration has closed!
Once you have registered through MySchoolBucks, please look for and sign up for the "Spring 2023 Driver's Ed " ParentSquare group. You should be able to find it in the "Participate" section. Go to "Groups". Find the Driver's Education section. Click the "Join" button to join the Fall message group.
See 'Joining the Parent Square Group' below for guidance.
Will be posted after Registration is completed.